The program consists of both plenary and parallel sessions with multiple time intervals, allowing direct interactions between participants. In addition to the technical program there are social activities that will encourage and foster networking opportunities.

Please note that minor changes are still being made to the final program.

Resilient Navigation

While the 20th Century was focussed on the provision of ubiquitous and accurate Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT), the 21st Century’s focus has shifted to ensuring that PNT services may be trusted and are reliable and resilient. As we move to more and more systems that are either fully automated, or are automated to the point of human complacency, we are
recognising the need for PNT systems that will: operate in unprecedented threat-challenged environments (both civil and military); continuously provide usability and integrity status; fail very rarely; and when they do fail, do so safely, securely and elegantly.

Overall navigation system resilience requires the vulnerabilities of not only the core systems but also those of associated systems and data to also be addressed, including mapping information, related databases, routing/path definition, guidance and control.

The ENC 2024 Resilient Navigation theme addresses:

  • The current state-of-the art in terms of resilience across all modes of navigation (on land, at sea, in the air and in space)
  • Planned and current mitigations to known vulnerabilities and other factors to increase resilience, including operational measures.

Papers for the conference are solicited which address this core theme, from all perspectives, including technical, operational and legislative/regulatory matters.

Complementing the main conference theme, ENC 2024 will also welcome papers in the areas of:

Algorithms and Methods

  • High Accuracy Algorithms and Techniques
  • Advanced GNSS Techniques
  • Atmospheric Modelling and Sensing
  • Simulation, Testing, Analysis Tools and Results
  • Reference Trajectory Optimisation
  • Advanced Processing of Signals-of-Opportunity for PNT
  • Sensor Networks and Cooperative Navigation

Multi-Sensor and Autonomous Navigation

  • Alternative and Complementary PNT
  • Use of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Big Data
  • End-to-End Navigation Systems
  • Multi-Sensor and Augmented PNT
  • Indoor and Urban Navigation and Mapping
  • Autonomous Navigation on Land, at Sea and in the Air
  • System of System Approaches

Safety Critical Navigation

  • Interference and Jamming
  • Spoofing and Meaconing
  • Performance Prediction, Monitoring and Assessment
  • Integrity Algorithms
  • Emerging Autonomous Applications
  • Aviation Applications
  • Land-Based Applications
  • Marine applications
  • Space Applications
  • Legal and Regulatory Aspects
  • Standards, Guidance and Best Practice
  • Cybersecurity of PNT Systems

Navigation for the Mass Market

  • Applications of GNSS Measurements from Smartphones
  • PNT in Urban and Indoor Environments
  • Positioning using Smartphone Sensors
  • Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping
  • New Technologies, Opportunities and Challenges

Human and Animal Navigation

  • Human Factors
  • Animal Navigation
  • Bio-Inspired Navigation
  • Cognitive Navigation
  • Outdoor Adventure Navigation

Future Trends in Navigation

  • Quantum Technology and PNT
  • Space, Lunar and Extra-Terrestrial Navigation
  • LEO Systems and PNT
  • Trends in Augmentation Systems
  • Trends in Navigation Technology, System Design and Development