ENC 2024 Technical Program Committee Co-Chairs

Prof. Terry Moore OBE
Chair, EUGIN

Dr. Ramsey Faragher
The Royal Institute of Navigation

  • Prof. Mohammad Zahidul Hasan Bhuiyan, Nordic Institute of Navigation
  • Dr. Philipp Berglez, Austrian Institute of Navigation (OeVN)
  • Guy Buesnel, The Royal Institute of Navigation
  • Bob Cockshott, The Royal Institute of Navigation
  • Paolo Crosta, European Space Agency (ESA)
  • Salvatore Gaglione, Italian Institute of Navigation
  • Prof. Alain Geiger, Swiss Institute of Navigation (ION-CH)
  • Dr. Alan Grant, General Lighthouse Authority / The Royal Institute of Navigation
  • Prof. Dorota Grejner-Brzezinska , The Ohio State University
  • Per Olof Hedekvist, Swedish Board of Radio Navigation (RNN)
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carlos Jahn, German Institute of Navigation (DGON)
  • Jan Johansson, Swedish Board of Radio Navigation (RNN)
  • Prof. Sanna Kaasalainen, Nordic Institute of Navigation
  • Prof. Heidi Kuusniemi, Nordic Institute of Navigation
  • Dr. Ilaria Martini, u-blox AG
  • Dr. Aiden Morrison, Nordic Institute of Navigation
  • Vaclav Navratil, Czech Technical University in Prague
  • John Pottle, The Royal Institute of Navigation
  • Dr. Mika Saajasto, Nordic Institute of Navigation
  • Prof. Isaac Skog, Nordic Institute of Navigation
  • Dr. Nadia Sokolova, Nordic Institute of Navigation
  • Richard Swinden, European Space Agency (ESA)
  • Prof. Dr. Maarten Uijt de Haag, Technische Universität Berlin
  • Dr. Robert Weber, Austrian Institute of Navigation (OeVN)
  • Tom Willems, Netherlands Institute of Navigation (NIN)